医治拨号网络的健忘症 获取最新的拨号网络(Dial-Up Networking,DUN)程序时,不再需要首先安装ISDN Accelerator然后删除它。你可以从微软的Web站点下载1.2版的拨号网络。它也可以从Windows95OSR2版中获得(较新的计算机都安装了OSR2版)。遗憾的是,我发现新版的拨号网络在记忆口令方面仍然存在着问题。
Amnesia for Dial-Up Networking When you get the latest Dial-Up Networking (DUN) program, you no longer need to install ISDN Accelerator first and then delete it. You can download version 1.2 of the dial-up network from Microsoft’s Web site. It is also available from the Windows95 OSR2 release (newer machines have OSR2 installed). Unfortunately, I found that the new dial-up network still has problems with remembering passwords.