9月28日,儒家学派的创始人孔子诞辰之日,我怀着缅怀先贤的崇敬之情,来到了坐落在曲阜市东南30公里的孔子出生地——鲁源村尼山。 鲁源村不大,据考证,它是春秋时“鲁国之源”,又是“万世师表”孔子出生之地,遐迩闻名,吸引了多少文人学士。 尼山也不高,海拔仅340米。它东濒沂河,南临尼山水库,远远望去,五峰连峙,尼山居中,古木苍翠,风景绝佳。山腰绿树丛中掩映着金碧辉煌的东方古建筑群,这就是尼山孔庙。孔庙始建于1040年前的
On September 28, Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, came to the birthplace of Confucius, the birthplace of Confucius, located in the village of Luyuan Village, 30 kilometers southeast of Qufu City, on the occasion of the birth of Confucius, the founder of Confucianism. Luyuan village is not large, according to research, it is the Spring and Autumn Period, “the source of Lu State”, but also “Master of Confucius” birthplace of Confucius, far and near famed, attracting many literati bachelor. Nepalese Hill is not high, only 340 meters above sea level. It east Yi River, south of Nishan reservoir, from afar, Wufeng even adherence, Nishan middle, ancient trees green, excellent scenery. Hillside green trees nestled in the magnificent oriental ancient buildings, this is the Ni Shan Confucian Temple. Confucius Temple was built in 1040 years ago