KDN-200 / 30Y air separation plant, the system uses low-pressure backflow expansion design, low-temperature expander using the Suzhou West production of PLPK-10 / 3.5 × 0.25-type gas turbine bearing expander. The system is equipped with 2 sets of this type of expansion unit, the operation of a 1 by 1 standby mode. Nitrogen nitrogen plant installed in July 2008 in place, the system pressure test, cleaning, purging, naked cold and other standardized control trial operation. Running nearly 2 months, the system 1 # and 2 # expander, have a sudden stop, unable to restart by switching to the failure, causing the entire space outage. 1. Symptoms of the entire set of air separation unit test drive in November 2008, the trial run in the parameters of nearly two months after passing, January 13, 2009 1 # expander suddenly appeared great