1998年以来,中国长城铝业公司在以宋培凯为首的新一届领导班子带领下,以创新总揽全局,强化管理,突出科技,实现4年4大步,4年4个台阶,在短时间内创造了由困境走向崛起,由低谷走向辉煌的奇迹,使老企业焕发出勃勃生机。4年时间,公司实现利润由1997年的3000万元增长到2001年的6亿元;主导产品氧化铝年产量由80吨增长到160万吨;吨氧化铝能耗下降了400公斤标煤;吨氧化铝碱耗下降了40公斤;吨氧化铝成本下降了400元; 4年完成了400项技术成果;职工人均收入年平均增长4000元,4年净增1.6万元,在我国铝行业和河南省处于领先水平。
Since 1998, under the leadership of the new leadership led by Song Peikai, China Great Wall Aluminum Company has taken overall control of innovation and management, highlighted science and technology, achieved four major stages in four years and four stages in four years. In a short period of time Created a miracle that the dilemma to rise from the trough to glory, so that the old enterprise full of vitality. In 4 years, the profit of the company increased from 30 million yuan in 1997 to 600 million yuan in 2001; the annual output of alumina, the leading product, increased from 80 tons to 1.6 million tons; the energy consumption per ton of alumina dropped by 400 kg; Tonne alumina consumption decreased by 40 kg; tons of alumina costs fell 400 yuan; 4 years to complete the 400 technical achievements; average per worker income of 4,000 yuan, 4 years net increase of 16,000 yuan in China's aluminum industry and Henan Province is at the leading level.