新世纪第一个年宵花市在一片祥和、火红的气氛中结束了。节后笔者走访了部分花卉企业及市场,对广州年宵花情况作了些了解。 广州年宵花的几个特点 1.进口与国产优质花卉备领风骚 今年除了进口的大花蕙兰、蝴蝶兰,首次露面的盆栽鹤望兰、日本密花春石斛外,还有相当数量的国产优质名花,一改过去“洋花”一统天下的局面。近几年各地根据本土的气候特点与技术力量,实施“洋花国产化”工程,并取得了较好的
The first New Year’s Flower Market in a peaceful, fiery atmosphere ended. After the festival, the author visited some flower enterprises and markets and made some comprehension on the situation of Guangzhou’s flower market at night. Guangzhou several features of the Spring Festival Flower 1. Imported and domestic high-quality flowers to take the lead In addition to this year, imported Cymbidium, Phalaenopsis, the first appearance of potted Strelitzia, Japanese dense spring Dendrobium, there is a considerable amount of Domestic famous flowers, a change in the past, “Western culture” dominate the world situation. In recent years, various localities have implemented the project of “localization of foreign flowers” according to the local climatic characteristics and technical force and have achieved good