In the contemporary philosophical novel “Perlman’s Silence,” by the scholar Pascal Messier, the philosopher Philip Parman, the fictional heroine, fell into crisis. For him, familiar things are lost “presence ” sex. He can only touch on the real existence of life experience with his memory. In order to be invited to prepare for a keynote speech on a major academic conference, he began to translate a Russian peer-reviewed essay on the relationship between language and memory and could not help but ponder on one aspect of the question: Will human senses rekind from changes in individual retrospective narratives? Was changed? (Perlman’s speculation is the only one that has not plagiarized Russian counterparts in his speech.) Perlman’s tangle touched the core thesis of this book: It is impossible for a person to recruit only through language Back to the past and emotions, but also through the sensory experience of sound and music to carry out; modern memories of the past, but also includes some have heard before a recording and playing