Fractionation characteristics of rare earth elements(REEs) linked with secondary Fe, Mn, and Al mine

来源 :Acta Geochimica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinyi1010
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Soil secondary minerals are important scavengers of rare earth elements(REEs) in soils and thus affect geochemical behavior and occurrence of REEs. The fractionation of REEs is a common geochemical phenomenon in soils but has received little attention, especially fractionation induced by secondary minerals. In this study, REEs(La to Lu and Y) associated with soil-abundant secondary minerals Fe-, Al-, and Mn-oxides in 196 soil samples were investigated to explore the fractionation and anomalies of REEs related to the minerals. The results show right-inclined chondrite-normalized REE patterns for La–Lu in soils subjected to total soil digestion and partial soil extraction. Light REEs(LREEs) enrichment features were negatively correlated with a Eu anomaly and positively correlated with a Ce anomaly. The fractionation between LREEs and heavy REEs(HREEs) was attributed to the high adsorption affinity of LREEs to secondary minerals and the preferred activation/leaching of HREEs.The substantial fractions of REEs in soils extracted byoxalate and Dithionite-Citrate-Bicarbonate buffer solutions were labile(10 %–30 %), which were similar to the mass fraction of Fe(10 %–20 %). Furthermore, Eu was found to be more mobile than the other REEs in the soils, whereas Ce was less mobile. These results add to our understanding of the distribution and geochemical behavior of REEs in soils, and also help to deduce the conditions of soil formation from REE fractionation. Soil secondary minerals are important scavengers of rare earth elements (REEs) in soils and thus affect geochemical behavior and occurrence of REEs. The fractionation of REEs is a common geochemical phenomenon in soils but has received little attention, especially fractionation induced by secondary minerals. In this study, REEs (La to Lu and Y) associated with soil-abundant secondary minerals Fe-, Al-, and Mn-oxides in 196 soil samples were investigated to explore the fractionation and anomalies of REEs related to the minerals. The results show right-inclined chondrite-normalized REE patterns for La-Lu in soils subjected to total soil digestion and partial soil extraction. Light REEs (LREEs) enrichment features were negatively correlated with a Eu anomaly and positively correlated with a Ce anomaly. The fractionation between LREEs and heavy REEs (HREEs) was attributed to the high adsorption affinity of LREEs to secondary minerals and the preferred activation / leaching of HREEs. The substantive tially fractions of REEs in soils extracted by oxalate and Dithionite-Citrate-Bicarbonate buffer solutions were labile (10% -30%), which were similar to the mass fraction of Fe (10% -20% more results than the other REEs in the soils, but Ce was less mobile. These results add to our understanding of the distribution and geochemical behavior of REEs in soils, and also help to deduce the conditions of soil formation from REE fractionation.
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