山西左云县地处黄土丘陵区,山丘起伏、沟壑纵横,海拔1 200~2 000 m,属大陆季风气候,基本特征是干旱、高寒、昼夜温差大、无霜期短,年平均气温5.2℃,平均无霜期115天,多年平均降水量443.3mm,主要集中在7~9月,多年平均年蒸发量1 936mm,是降水量的4倍。荞麦中含有丰富的蛋白质、淀粉、脂肪和膳食纤维、纤维素以及矿质元素和微量元素,不仅有很高的营养价值,而且具有降血糖、血脂、尿糖和治疗胃疾的功能。苦荞含有丰富的生物类黄酮和芦丁,具有防癌、
Zuo Yun County, Shanxi Province is located in the loess hilly region, with ups and downs in hills and ravines, with an elevation of 1200-2000 m. It belongs to the continental monsoon climate. Its basic characteristics are aridity and alpine, large temperature difference between day and night, short frost-free period and annual average temperature of 5.2 ℃ Frost-free period of 115 days, the average annual rainfall of 443.3mm, mainly in the 7 to 9 months, the average annual evaporation of 1 936mm, is 4 times the precipitation. Buckwheat is rich in protein, starch, fat and dietary fiber, cellulose and mineral elements and trace elements, not only has a high nutritional value, but also has hypoglycemic, lipids, urine sugar and the treatment of stomach function. Tartary buckwheat is rich in bioflavonoids and rutin, with anti-cancer,