完成多异瓢虫Hippodamia variegata (Goeze)在13,17,21,25,29和33℃ 6个温度处理下的繁殖特征生命表.结果表明:各虫态的发育速率随温度的升高而加快,在13℃下世代的发育历期最长为62.23 d,而33℃时仅为10.92 d;成虫寿命随温度升高而逐渐缩短,13℃时最长,为71.39 d, 33℃时最短,为11.95 d;各温度下净生殖率25℃时最大为31.42,13℃时最小为1.40;内禀增长力33℃时最高为0.21,13℃时最小为3.87×10~(-3);各温度下的稳定年龄组配29℃下最稳定,具体分布为:卵,36.54%;1龄,22.95%;2龄,7.56%;3龄,11.05%;4龄,10.11%;蛹,5.65%;成虫,6.13%.“,”Life tables of laboratory population of Hippodamia variegate (Goeze) were constructed at six temperatures. The results showed that the developmental rate increased with the temperature increasing from 13℃ to 33℃ The longest duration of one generation was 62.23 days observed at YiX., and the shortest was 10.92 days at 33℃ . The adult lifespan was shortened with temperature increasing. The longest lifespan was 71.39 days at 13℃ , while the shortest was 11.95 days at 33℃. Net reproduction rate ( R_0 ) of 25℃ was the biggest one (31.42) , and the smallest one was 1.40 at 13℃ . The highest intrinsic growth rate (r_m ) was 0.21 at 33℃, while the lowest was 3 .87 ×10~(-3) at 13℃ . Stable age distribution at 29℃. was most stable, in which included 36.54% egg, 22.95% 1st instar, 7.56% 2nd instar, 11.05% 3rd instar, 10.11% 4th instar, 5.65% pupa, and 6.13% adult.