用IL-2诱导出LAK,能产生对肿瘤靶细胞的破坏作用。NK细胞是LAK的主要前体细胞,二者细胞毒作用的特点相同。本文检测了外周血多形核中粒细胞(PMN)对LAK、NK 细胞毒作用的影响。体外低浓度IL-2诱导外周血淋巴细胞形成LAK 细胞,对M14瘤株进行释放~(51)Cr的细胞毒试验。在此试验中加入PMN,观察到LAK 的细胞毒作用明显受到抑制,且随
Induction of LAK with IL-2 can produce damaging effects on tumor target cells. NK cells are the main precursors of LAK, and their cytotoxicity is the same. This article examines the peripheral blood polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) on LAK, NK cytotoxicity. LAK cells were induced by low concentration of IL-2 in vitro and the cytotoxicity of ~ (51) Cr was released on M14 tumor cells. PMN was added to this assay and the cytotoxic effect of LAK was significantly suppressed