家住宁乡县黄材镇寨子村的姜照华,现年已94岁。精神矍铄的姜老生于1908年,至今已经历了3个朝代。 老人一生胸怀宽广,知足常乐。不求名利、与人为善是他做人的准则。他说:“让人一步,海阔天空;斤斤计较,损德折寿。”他既不大喜,也不大悲,习惯于过着清清静静的平常生活。老人儿孙满堂,个个对他十分孝顺。
Jiang Zhaowe, who lives in Zhaizi Village, Huangcai Town, Ningxiang County, is now 94 years old. Spiritually shy of Jiang Laosheng in 1908, has gone through three dynasties. The elderly have a long life, contentment. Not for fame and fortune and good for others is his rule. He said: “One step ahead, a brighter future; preoccupied with loss of moral integrity.” He neither overjoyed, nor compassionate, used to live a quiet and quiet life. Elderly grandchildren full house, all very filial to him.