国际长航线飞行人员在跨多时区飞行时,睡眠常常受到时差及由此导致的昼夜节律紊乱的严重影响。以往多是对单程的从国内飞往国外后睡眠障碍的研究,而长航线飞行一般是双程的往返飞行,飞行人员中途要在不同时区的地区停留,因此多地停留的睡眠障碍及返回本土后的睡眠恢复问题,因其关系到下一次飞行计划的安排,而变得更为重要与实际。美国曾进行一项试验,其目的在于研究跨多时区长航线往返飞行时飞行人员的实际睡眠特征。 被试者为4架波音747机组的机长、副驾驶和机械师,共12名飞行人员。飞行往返航线为:东京—安克雷
Sleeps on international long-haul pilots flying across multiple time zones are often severely affected by jet lag and the resulting circadian rhythm disorders. In the past mostly one-way study of sleep disorders from domestic to overseas, while the long route flight is usually two-way round-trip flight, flight staff to stay in different time zones in the area, so many sleep disorders and return home After the issue of sleep recovery, because it relates to the next flight plan arrangements, and become more important and practical. An experiment was conducted in the United States aimed at studying the actual sleeping characteristics of pilots traveling to and from a long multi-time zone flight. The subjects were captain, co-pilot and mechanic of 4 Boeing 747 units with a total of 12 pilots. The round-trip flight is: Tokyo - Ankle