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首先声明,这里所说的“坏”,不是杀人放火、打家劫舍的坏,也不是贪污腐败、误国乱政的坏,而是指在男女关系上比较随意,不那么检点的坏。“万恶淫为首”是过时的老话,但男人与女人的“坏”,毕竟不是什么好事,可同是一个“坏”,到了人们的嘴里,其褒贬抑扬,就变得大不一样。 “男人不坏,女人不爱”,您瞧,男人坏还坏得这么沾沾自喜,坏得这么有资本。如果热恋中的小姐故作娇嗔地对男友说:“你真坏!”这事八成就有希望了;反之,若是姑娘一脸正经地对男士说:“你是个好人,只是……”这就是拜拜的信号,您就准备着走人吧。事实上,就是变“坏”的男人自己也多感觉良好,他们聚在一起,往往热衷于交流变“坏”的经验,大谈自己的风流逸事,有几个小蜜,有多少艳遇,反倒使得那些没 First of all, we hereby declare that “bad” as mentioned here is not a bad act of killing or setting fire on our families. Nor is it a corruption that is corruptive to corruption or a disorderly government. It refers to a vicious relationship between men and women that is not so bad at prosecution. “Vandalism leads” is outdated old saying, but the “bad” between men and women is not a good thing after all. It can be the same as a “bad”. When it comes to people’s mouth, the praise and disgrace will become quite different. “Men are not bad, women do not love,” you see, men are so bad or bad complacent, bad so that there is capital. If the young lady in love makes a joke to her boyfriend, saying: “You are so bad!” There is hope for this success. On the contrary, if the girl shows her disrespectfully to the man, “You are a good person, just ...” This is By the signal of prayer, you are ready to leave. In fact, even the “bad” men feel more about themselves. When they get together, they are often keen on exchanging experiences of “bad”. They talk about their romantic affair, how many Xiaomi come together, Make those not
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