无忧子: 我欲哭无泪,一句话也说不出来了,却有一种想倾诉的欲望,我很累!我和老公之间有着10年的感情,7年的婚姻,还有一个4岁的女儿。而在一夜之间,这一切全被老公的网恋毁了。老公网恋之初,就被我知道了,我哭得肝肠寸断,我写信求他,他答应放弃。我以为我赢回了他呢。可是今夜,他的网络恋人却在网上向我坦白了一切:他们已经在一起住过了好几个晚上。我还天真地以为,我老公绝对不会在身体上背叛我的。可是,他的网络恋人,却无情地打破了我的天真。我好傻,老公说单位加班,我信,好几次我给他打电话他不接,事后他说是因为快没电了,或者是没听见,我虽然怀疑,但也信了。他的网络恋人对我说,她很抱歉这样对我,她主动离开过他几次,他竟然一而再再而三地找她,求她,他们上周还在一起。而那
Worry child: I want to cry without a word can not tell, but there is a desire to talk about, I am tired! My husband and I have 10 years of feelings, 7 years of marriage, there is a 4 Old daughter And overnight, all this is her husband’s Internet dating ruined. My husband’s love at the beginning, I was aware of, I cried a long time, I wrote to ask him, he promised to give up. I thought I won him back. But tonight, his internet lover confessed to me online that they had been together for several nights. I am naive to think that my husband will never betray me physically. However, his online lover, but mercilessly broke my innocence. I am stupid, my husband said the unit overtime, I believe, several times I call him he does not answer, afterwards he said because of the fast power outages, or did not hear, though I doubt, but also believed. His online lover told me that she was very sorry for being so kind to me and that she took the initiative to leave him several times. He even went looking for her again and again and begged her, and they were still together last week. And that