A New Method to Quickly Assess the Inhibitor Efficiency

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ashlilani3
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A new method to quickly assess the efficiency of corrosion inhibitor was developed by electrically accelerating chloride ions diffusing onto the surface of the embedded steel bar in concrete and inducing corrosion.Potentiodynamic polarization scanning and linear polarization method were used to evaluate the corrosion states which were compared with the direct observation of the bar surface by breaking the sample.The test duration was about two days and the results clearly show the differences in efficiency of the inhibitors tested. A new method to quickly assess the efficiency of corrosion inhibitor was developed by electrically accelerating chloride ions diffusing onto the surface of the embedded steel bar in concrete and inducing corrosion. Potentiodynamic polarization scanning and linear polarization method were used to evaluate the corrosion states which were compared with the direct observation of the bar surface by breaking the sample. the test duration was about two days and the results clearly show the differences in efficiency of the inhibitors tested.
编辑同志: 我的爹娘离婚以后,把我推给了爷爷和奶奶,就各忙各的事去了,一年到头也难见上一次面,更不用说给生活费和学费了。我上小学的学费都是靠爷爷奶奶的积蓄支付的,现在
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