The prices of products in the “Computer Supermarket - Quotes Table” are collected anonymously by major reporters or special correspondents in major electronics markets. The price reflected only represents the price of computer products in a certain area for a period of time. It does not reflect the prices of computer products in all other regions, nor does it mean that the listed product prices are the only prices. If the prices of products you get in the local area are high, It may be due to sudden changes in prices or differences in local prices. The prices of the products published in the “Computer Supermarket” are for your reference only when purchasing. Due to the variety of computer products, if any omissions are inevitable, please also inform the manufacturers and readers as soon as possible to the editorial department, we will be corrected in the next period. In order to make full use of the layout, we will remove some of the products with little price fluctuation and join the latest products currently on the market.