Carbon Embodied in International Trade of China and Its Emission Responsibility

来源 :Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lingyuehqu2009
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Carbon emissions embodied in international trade of China during 1997-2007 are accounted by input-output method based on Chinese input-output table and global trade analysis project database.It is revealed that carbon emissions embodied in imports and exports both increased during 1997-2007,but carbon emissions embodied in exports are greater than those embodied in imports,China is a net export nation in embodied carbon.The net exports of embodied carbon account for about 10.82%of the total carbon emissions in 1997,dropped to 7.15%in 2002,increased to 13.13%in 2006,and slightly dropped to 12.64%in 2007.Low-end position of international industry division is an objective factor of being a net exporter of embodied carbon for China,and usage of a large amount of obsolete energy-using equipments wasted much energy and increased carbon emissions embodied in exports. Importers should take more responsibilities for carbon emissions embodied in trade,and China should take a certain responsibility for unreasonable energy dissipations too. Carbon emissions embodied in international trade of China during 1997-2007 are accounted by input-output method based on Chinese input-output table and global trade analysis project database. It is revealed that carbon dioxide embodied in imports and exports both increased during 1997-2007 , but carbon emissions embodied in exports are greater than those embodied in imports, China is a net export nation in contained carbon. net exports of incorporated carbon accounts for about 10.82% of the total carbon emissions in 1997, dropped to 7.15% in 2002 , increased to 13.13% in 2006, and slightly dropped to 12.64% in 2007. Low-end position of international industry division is an objective factor of being a net exporter of embodied carbon for China, and usage of a large amount of obsolete energy- using equipments wasted much energy and increased carbon emissions embodied in exports. Importers should take more responsibilities for carbon emissions embodied in trade, and China should take a certain responsibili ty for unreasonable energy dissipations too.
摘要:本文从市场失灵产生的原因,以及市场失灵的主要表现,并分析了资本主义市场经济所暴露出来的市场失灵及国家干预的补救措施和对社会主义市场经济的启发和借鉴。  关键词:市场失灵 国家干预 帕累托效率    一、市场失灵及其主要表现  市场失灵,是指由于市场机制的自身特点和缺陷,没有或不能将资源配置到效率状态的现象。主要有以下几种表现:  (一)不能有效提供公共商品  由于公共商品具有非排他胜和非竞争
站在北京东方广场的中央,望向东方广场东三楼,付继仁感慨万千。  那幢楼的十九层,是他以前的办公场所。  十年前,刚入行的付继仁每天都要到那里上班;十年后,那幢楼并没有什么变化,而他自己经历时间的洗礼,已显沧桑。  对比十年前的自己,与当初入行的新丁相比,如今虽然已经成为凤凰网全国营销中心总经理,管理着一支近百人的团队,营销业绩也非常出色,但他对自己并不满意——他觉得还有很多事情没有做成、没有做好,