1 适应市场经济需要,加大医院改革力度 由计划经济向市场经济转变是国家改革的大方向,为适应市场经济,中医院的改革首先应解放思想,更新观念,破除传统中医的自我封闭,僵化保守,清高独尊的思想,树立师承百家、博采众长、开拓创新、中西医结合的观念。其次,根据市场经济的特征,适当转变办院模式,由政府独家办院转变为国家、集体、个人多渠道办院,形成多种所有制形式共同发展的新格局,探索一
1 Adapting to the needs of the market economy, increasing hospital reform efforts from the planned economy to the market economy is the general direction of the country’s reforms. To adapt to the market economy, the reform of the Chinese medicine hospital should first emancipate the mind, renew the concept, and eliminate the traditional Chinese medicine’s self-occlusion and rigidity. Conservative, clear-minded, exclusive and high-minded, establish the concept of a teacher who has inherited 100 ideas, has a long history of innovation, and combines Chinese and Western medicine. Secondly, according to the characteristics of the market economy, the mode of school-running should be appropriately transformed. The government should transform the government’s exclusive office into a multi-channel institution for the state, collective, and individual. This will create a new pattern of common development with multiple forms of ownership.