Do Students Need Special Rooms to Release Negative Emotions?

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Before this year’s national college entrance examination, a middle school in Zhenjiang, a city of east China’s Jiangsu Province, established a room for students to take out their negative emotions, such as stress, sorrow and anxiety, to enable a better frame of mind when sitting exams.
In the room, there is a wall covered with soft sponge, which students can hit hard without harming themselves. In the middle of the room is a sandbag for students to hit wearing boxing gloves. There are also cute or ugly dolls students can throw onto the floor if they are angry or to hold in their hands if they want to cry.
The establishment of the emotional release room in the school has caused wide debate on whether a school needs to establish such a special room. It is not the first of its kind in China. Early in 2005, Southwest Jiaotong University set up a room for emotional release in its cam- pus and, in following years, many universities and middle schools followed the trend and established this kind of room for students to release negative emotions.
Supporters of those rooms say an emotional release room is a special treatment for negative emotions, such as anger, stress, sorrow. In the room, by releasing negative emotions in a harmless way through symbolic objects, one can ease one’s emotions without harming anyone in the real world. Establishing those rooms help students who have psychological problems release negative emotions without doing harm to others and avoids possible bigger problems in the future.
But, opponents say we all have rainy days and we should rely on rational ability and self-control to adjust ourselves. It’s not an ideal way of solving students’ problems by letting them release negative emotions through hitting imaginary enemies. This won’t help solve deep-rooted psychological problems and may even add to any inclination for violence.
Good method
Xia Chundi (Zhenjiang Daily): The
emotion release room will help reduce stress on students who have been under great pressure for a long time. Students, facing big events like the national college entrance examination, are apt to have negative emotions, such as stress, which can cause very serious consequences if not dealt with properly. I think this is why the middle school in Zhenjiang set up an emotion release room for students to release negative emotions and give them a better mood for the exam. Besides, other psychological educational facilities, such as a consulting room, were established in the school as well for students to cope with stress. It’s good for students.
Zhu Mingmin (
Because of stress from school study, the employment pressure and high expectations from families, students are likely to have psychological problems, such as weak hearts and not being able to cope with stress.
Besides a room for releasing emotions, schools also need to set up music rooms, counseling rooms or psychology classes. By releasing negative emotions in these rooms, students can have a higher-quality school life.
Wen Shenghui (
The changing social environment are asking more from students in China. They have to get a job or obtain certain certificates through fierce competitions. Students are more likely to be stressed and anxious. When they can’t handle the stress, they can go to the room to release as many negative emotions as possible, get all sweaty and come out feeling much better.
Ning Weiwei ( For col
lege students, although they have received higher education, they still have less selfcontrol and social responsibility. Besides, at university students might encounter failed relationships, tough situations related to job hunting and bad relationships with roommates. Therefore, they need a legal and rational way to express and release negative and irrational emotions. Besides, other complementary assistance will help solve their psychological problems.
Those schools having emotion release rooms said when students come out of the room, they feel relieved and happy. After they have let out negative emotions, teachers will talk to them and give them psychological consultation.
Bad influence
Zhou Jianbang (
cn): Hitting symbolic items in the emotion release room can ease students’ negative emotions temporarily, but we cannot ensure that these students won’t continue this kind of behavior in the real world when they have grown accustomed to dealing with situations by violence.
The essence of education is motivating positive aspects of human nature rather than exaggerating the negative. Therefore, teachers should sow seeds of goodwill and offer students a good and suitable environment for the growth of goodwill rather than letting them hit imaginary enemies in a room.
Li Jianbo ( This kind of
emotion release room has many apparent side effects.
First, it may lead to an inclination to violence. When they hit hard symbolic objects in the room, students gradually form the habit of solving problems with violence. When they come out of the room and encounter anything disappointing in real life, they are likely to release negative emotions in the same way as they did in the room. Therefore, the habit of attacking things is cultivated and their desire for destruction and the inclination toward violence will be increased.
Second, students may confuse the real and virtual world after staying in these rooms for too long. Stress, a complicated issue, can arise for a multitude of reasons. Releasing stress on other objects rather than discovering any problems in oneself will cover up the truth. Although stress may disappear temporarily, it has not been eliminated. It’s not releasing stress but accumulating stress, which may cause bigger problems in the future.
Finally, it will give students the bad habit of feeling impatient and irritated whenever something bad happens. This will affect their future.
When saving a person, you should save the heart. An emotion release room cures the symptoms, not the causes of the disease. For now, if students are too stressed, teachers should talk to them, give them psychological consultations and teach them scientific and rational ways to release negative emotions.
Chen Jian (
Although this kind of emotional release will reduce stress to some degree, the nature of it is attaining pleasure in a way against public order. If we allow this to happen without doing anything, it will lead to great increases in students’ wrong behaviors and even inclination to violence and crime.
In order to release negative emotions, students can watch plays, travel, do sports or talk to others. Emotional release should be guided in the correct way. Violence in a room is not the right choice. We can’t forget the basic moral order when releasing our negative emotions.
setting up emotion release rooms in schools, where students can release negative emotions through violence.
Is violence the only way to release negative motions? Do schools have any scientific theoretical basis for setting up such rooms? Will students become addicted to violence if they get used to solving problems violently? Will they subconsciously consider violence lawful and rational in the future? When they lose access to this kind of room in the future, will they choose other ways to release their negative emotions violently?
I think students should ease anxiety, stress or even sorrow via colorful extracurricular activities, such as doing sports and singing. As for students with psychological problems or who are inclined to be violent, schools should consider charity education, making them volunteers and letting them visit orphanages or hospitals from time to time. When they see poor people who need help, caring and love in society, they will have greater social responsibility and the ability to feel sympathetic for others.
If conditions allow, schools can organize summer or winter camps for students and their parents to attend together. During the vacation, students can observe the rising sun or stars and get new experiences of life. These brand new and revelatory experiences will inspire their souls. These experiences are natural and in accordance with natural instincts.
Sadly, there are fewer and fewer activities enabling students to get closer to nature. Safety in the outdoors is important but we can’t stop giving them greater access to nature just because it may be dangerous. Getting closer to nature is a very good way to release stress, which should be paid more attention to by schools and universities instead of establishing emotion release room.
Further, the reason students are so upset and have to go to an emotion release room is they are under too much stress in the current education system. We should do more in this respect.
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