In 1935 in Japan, the nuclear force meson theory was born. In 1945, Japan also released nuclear power. In 1935, Hideki Yukawa announced a new prophecy of elementary particles whose mass lies between the mass of electrons and the mass of protons and was later named “meson”, meaning particles in between, which are used to explain the binding in the nucleus Nuclear forces (protons and neutrons). Mesons have become one of three basic particles, in addition to baryon (baryons, including nuclei) Lepton (leptons such as electrons and neutrinos). However, meson and baryon are no longer seen as the most basic particles, because today they are considered to be composed of quarks. Although Hideki Yukawa had never left Japan to go abroad, but he predicted the existence of a meson, the study of his and his colleagues helped launch an international expansion of Western science in the early 20th century. In 1949, Yukawa Tomokazu won the Nobel Prize in Physics when he established a flourishing elementary grain in Japan