In this paper (I), (II) two parts put forward nine formulas to calculate the resonance energy of different types of polycyclic benzene hydrocarbons. The resonance energies of more complex polycyclic benzene hydrocarbons, such as 1,2: 3,4: 11,12: 13,14-tetrabenzopyran, have not yet been calculated. Recently, Xiong Fengqi proposed a summation formula to calculate the resonance energies of four more complex polycyclic benzene hydrocarbons, such as 1,2: 3,4: 11,12: 13,14-tetrabenzopyhfen. This paper proposes mother-child addition method. Using the nine formulas in part (I) and (II), we can not calculate the RE_ (BRC) of polycyclic benzene hydrocarbons. The RE_ (BRC) can be calculated by the summation method of mother and daughter. The steps for mother-child addition are as follows: