7月13日,由上海市建筑学会、同济大学建筑与城市规划学院、上海现代建筑设计(集团)有限公司、建筑中国俱乐部共同主办,得到了简一大理石瓷砖独家赞助的第三届城市建筑文化论坛系列活动之Massimiliano Fuksas马西米利亚诺·福克萨斯上海讲演会圆满举办,当天下午,近3000名听众从全国各地赶来,在同济大学大礼堂聆听福克萨斯先生的精彩演讲,短短两周时间这场演讲会受到10余万
On July 13, co-sponsored by Shanghai Institute of Architecture, School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University, Shanghai Modern Architecture Design (Group) Co., Ltd. and China Club of Architecture, the third urban architectural culture was exclusively sponsored by Jane Marble Tiles Massimiliano Fuksas, a forum series of activities, was successfully held in Shanghai lecture. Nearly 3,000 listeners from all over the country arrived in the afternoon of the same day to listen to Mr. Fox’s speech at Tongji University auditorium. In just two weeks this speech will be more than 10 million