ACI规范第十五章是关于基础的一些设计规定,其主要内容是针对单独基础而言。对于其它类型的基础,则仅有一些简单的规定。一、计算规定1. 基础的形状单独基础的形状一般为正方形或矩形,规范中的条文亦系针对这两种形状的基础而言的。对于圆形或正多边形的柱子,可按面
The fifteenth chapter of the ACI specification is about some of the basic design rules. Its main content is for a single basis. For other types of foundations, there are only a few simple rules. First, the calculation of the provisions of 1. The basic shape of a single base is generally a square or rectangular shape, the provisions of the provisions are also based on the basis of these two shapes. For circular or regular polygon columns,