江总书记参观华鼎HDCS-2型血液处理仪柔性制造中心GMP液处理仪、柔性制造中心柔性制造中心工中心 吴忠仪表股份有限公司始建于1959年,1998年进行股份制改造设立为上市公司。1999年4月被确定为国家重点高新技术公司。2000年1月,公司技术中心被四部委联合认定为国家级企业技
General Secretary Jiang visited Huading HDCS-2 Blood Processing Instrument Flexible Manufacturing Center GMP Liquid Processing Instrument and Flexible Manufacturing Center Flexible Manufacturing Center Work Center Wuzhong Instrument Co., Ltd. was founded in 1959 and was reorganized as a share-holding company in 1998. April 1999 was identified as a national key high-tech companies. January 2000, the company's technology center was jointly identified as four national ministries and technical enterprises