
来源 :中国生物工程杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ORKGJBNLRBKJGWIJG
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通过对美国Web of Science数据平台的全部转基因作物生物安全SCI论文的检索,研究了有关转基因作物生物安全的科学证据。得出科学家比消费者更关心转基因技术的安全性;批准商业化生产的转基因技术经过了有史以来最为严格的生物学安全检验与检测,并建立了有史以来最为严格的监管体系;在所发表的全部9333篇转基因生物安全论文中,90%以上的论文证明转基因技术的安全性与传统非转基因作物无显著差异;而对于所有得出转基因食品不安全结论的论文的追踪研究发现,其研究结论被证明是在错误的研究材料或方法条件下得出的。 The scientific evidence on the biosecurity of genetically modified crops has been studied through a search of all papers on biosafety in transgenic crops on the Web of Science data platform in the United States. Draw the conclusion that scientists are more concerned with the safety of transgenic technologies than consumers. The commercialized GM technologies have passed the strictest biosafety inspection and test in history and established the most stringent regulatory system ever. Of all 9333 GMO safety papers, more than 90% of the papers demonstrated no significant difference in the safety of GMOs from traditional non-GMO crops; however, a follow-up study of all the papers that concluded the insecurity of GM foods found that the findings were Proof is made under the wrong research material or method.