华硕(ASUS)推出Eee PC概念后,众多厂商看到了以低廉成本获得高额利润的业务增长点,再加上英特尔(Intel)在风口浪尖趁火打劫地推出所谓的“上网本”概念及专为“上网本”设计的Atom处理器,这个原本并不被人重视的市场迅速地火热起来,从开始只有2~3家厂商参与的家庭聚餐变成了一个几平所有厂商都被卷入其中的盛大舞会。面对层出不穷的上网本新品,米饭们是不是看花了眼睛,变得手足无措了呢?本期MI将对市场比较关注的上网本产品进行一次详细的横向比较,希望其过程和最后结果对米饭们选择上网本产品能有所帮助。
Asus introduced the concept of Eee PC, many manufacturers saw the business growth point to obtain high profits at low cost, coupled with Intel (Intel) at the cusp launched the so-called “netbook ” concept and designed for Atom, which is a “netbook” design, quickly got hot in a market that was not valued by anyone, from being a family meal with only 2-3 vendors to becoming a vendor. Grand ball. Faced with an endless stream of new Internet products, rice is not spent their eyes and become helpless? This MI will be more concerned about the Internet market this product a detailed horizontal comparison, I hope the process and the final result of rice to choose Netbook products can help.