为了解医源性传播乙型肝炎的可能性,我站以HBsAg为污染指标,对各医疗单位进行定期监测。1999年度通过对21家医疗单位不同物体表面(以下简称物表)的监测,现将监测结果报告如下。1 调查对象及方法1.1 调查对象 县、乡(镇)医院门诊、牙科及产科的不同物表。1.2 采样方法 将灭菌棉签在灭菌生理盐水中浸湿后,涂擦物表100 cm~2,放入盛有NS 3 ml的无菌试管内。实验前,将试管内液体充分混匀后备用。1.3 实验方法及仪器 采用ELISA检测法,试剂由杭州天元药
To understand the possibility of iatrogenic transmission of hepatitis B, I regularly monitor each medical unit with HBsAg as a pollution indicator. In the year of 1999, the monitoring of the surface of different objects of 21 medical units (hereinafter referred to as the table of contents) was adopted and the monitoring results are reported as follows. 1 surveyed the object and method 1.1 survey target county, township (town) hospital outpatient, dental and obstetric different material table. 1.2 Sampling method Sterilized cotton swab in sterile saline soaked, rub the surface of the table 100 cm ~ 2, placed in a sterile tube filled with NS 3 ml. Before the experiment, the test tube liquid mix well before use. 1.3 experimental methods and equipment using ELISA detection method, reagents from Hangzhou Tianyuan drug