A Massive Chinese Floral Corpus Completed

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Through the efforts of several generations of Chinese botanists over the past 50years, a massive 80-volume corpus (in 126 books) on China's flora,Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (Chinese edition), has finally been completed. This was announced at
【正】 专门探索精神分裂症遗传原因的几个研究小组都声称,对此疾病已经有了答案。精神分裂症是一种古老的严重致残性精神病,每百人中约有一人在一生中某一阶段发病。大脑功
Old-growth forests are traditionally negligible as carbon sinks, but CAS scientists recently reported that the
At the invitation of several Australian academic institutions, CAS President Lu Yongxiang paid a successful official visit to Australia from Nov. 9 to 15.
<正> For centuries, the continuous development of science and technology has greatly promoted the process of mankind&#39;s understanding and utilization of natu
【正】 神经科学家首次在长期培养中使成熟的、人脑神经元维持生长,实现了许多科学家十年前就梦寐以求的愿望。这一成果除有利于人中枢神经系统的开拓性研究外,也为有争议的
【正】 日本消息:有关部门要求在所有含灭吐灵的产品包装说明上注明已发现9例恶性精神抑制综合征与此类药物的应用有关,其中2例发生在日本。医生们被告知,曾发生过死亡事故。
On behalf of the CAS leadership, Prof. BAI Chunli, executive vice president of CAS, recently gave a briefing on the future blueprint of "CAS Innovation Bases,"
宽地膜覆盖对土壤温度有明显的正效应。通过对新疆奎屯地区某地宽地膜覆盖条件下地温场动态的分析,可知膜间、膜边、膜中和揭膜4种处理下的土壤表层5 cm处的温度(以下称表层土