小蜜蜂为了蜜蜂王国的繁荣 ,它们自觉地从事着不同的工作。它们勤劳勇敢 ,团结奉献 ,默默无闻 ,任劳任怨。小蜜蜂的“高尚精神”一直激励着每一个了解蜜蜂的人 ,我国蜂业界就有很多像蜜蜂一样为我国蜂业的发展努力工作的人。这里记载的就是其中的一员———一位年轻的蜜蜂事业
Bees for the prosperity of the bee kingdom, they consciously engaged in different jobs. They are industrious and courageous, united and dedication, obscurity, hard working. The “noble spirit” of the bee has inspired everybody who knows bees. There are many people in the bee industry in our country who work hard like the bees for the development of the bee industry in our country. Here is one of them - a young bee career