充分发挥优势 全面履行职责——山西省襄汾县乡两级司法行政机关积极主动参与“9·8”特大事故善后处理工作情况的调研报告

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2008年9月8日,山西省襄汾县发生了震惊全国的新塔矿业尾矿库溃坝特大事故。在这起特大事故抢险、善后处理工作中,襄汾县乡两级司法行政机关以“围绕中心、服务大局”的强烈政治意识,充分发挥司法行政法律服务、法律宣传、法律保障的独特优势,为维护社会稳定、妥善处理事故作出了重要贡献。今年4月,中共中央政治局常委、中央政法委书记周永康,司法部吴爱英部长在临汾视察工作期间,在听取“9·8”事故善后处理工作后,对司法局在维护社会稳定方面所做的工作给予了充分肯定。山西省委书记张宝顺在司法厅关于襄汾县乡两级司法行政机关积极主动参与“9·8”特大事故善后处理工作的调研报告上批示:对襄汾司法系统干部在此次事故处理中的工作和经验应予肯定。省长王君批示:一年来,全省司法系统围绕中心、服务大局作出了成绩。望再接再励,取得更大的成绩,作出更大的贡献。司法部吴爱英部长批示:襄汾县司法行政机关在参与“9·8”特大事故善后处理工作中,坚持围绕中心、服务大局,以人为本、服务为民,积极发挥职能作用,做了大量深入细致的工作,取得了显著成绩。望发扬成绩,再接再励,努力把山西省司法行政工作做得更好。山西省司法厅王水成厅长深入襄汾县,对襄汾县乡两级司法行政机关积极主动参与“9·8”特大事故善后处理工作的做法和经验进行了深入的调研和认真的总结并形成了调研报告。本刊全文刊登,旨在对司法行政机关在参与处理重大事故中如何发挥职能优势起到积极的启示作用。 September 8, 2008, Xiangfen County, Shanxi Province, there have been shocking the country’s new tower mining tailings dam collapse accident. In this extraordinary accident rescue and remedial work, the administrative organs at both the county and township levels in Xiangfen City have given full play to their unique political and legal services, legal propaganda and legal guarantee with their strong political awareness of “centering around the center and serving the overall interests” Advantages, in order to maintain social stability and properly handle the accident made an important contribution. In April this year, Zhou Yongkang, member of the Political Bureau Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Central Political and Legal Committee, and Minister Wu Aiying of the Ministry of Justice, during their inspections in Linfen, listened to the aftermath of the “9 · 8” incident and insisted that the Justice Department, in maintaining social stability, The work done has been fully affirmed. Shanxi Provincial Party Committee Secretary Zhang Baoshun in the Justice Department on the Xiangfen County township two levels of judicial and administrative organs to actively participate in the “9 · 8” serious accident after-treatment work report on the research report: Xiangfen judicial cadres in the incident handling In the work and experience should be affirmed. Governor Wang Jun said: Over the past year, the province’s judicial system has made its mark around the center and serving the overall situation. Hope to make persistent efforts to achieve greater success and make greater contribution. Minister Wu Aiying of the Ministry of Justice instructed that the judicial administrative organs of Xiangfen County, in taking part in the aftermath of the “9 · 8” extraordinary accidents, adhered to the principle of focusing on the center, serving the overall situation, putting people first, serving the people and the government, Meticulous work has achieved remarkable results. Hope to develop achievements, make persistent efforts and strive to do a better job in judicial and administrative work in Shanxi Province. Director Wang Shui-cheng of Shanxi Provincial Department of Justice went deep into Xiangfen County to conduct an in-depth investigation and careful conclusion of the practice and experience of the judicial administrative organs at both county and township levels in Xiangfen that actively took part in the aftermath of the “9 · 8” extraordinary accident And formed a research report. The full text of this publication is published in order to play an active and enlightening role in how the judicial administrative organ can play its part in handling major accidents.