江苏省首次引进的斑节对虾(又名台湾草虾)在江苏省赣榆县人工试育苗成功。 赣榆县是对虾养殖大县,自80年代以来,曾两次获得全国对虾总产、单产、效益第一名。1993年,沿海赤潮给该县对虾带来了灭顶之灾。如何寻找适应本地海况的对虾养殖品种,成为该县发展水产养殖亟待解决的课题。通过对国内外市场调研,他们认为斑节对虾适应本地海况,经多方联系,去年初,该县与台湾日商有限公司联合投资500多万元,开发80公顷虾塘作为试验场,试养了1000万尾斑节对虾,一举获得成功。今年为了扩大试养面积,台湾客商与该县再次合作,共同投资35万美元兴建了一座斑节对虾育苗场,5月1日从印度尼西亚购进斑节对虾母种100尾进
The first introduction of Jiangsu Province Penaeus monodon (also known as Taiwan shrimp) in Ganyu County, Jiangsu Province, artificial test-raising success. Ganyu County is a large shrimp farming county since the 1980s, has twice won the national shrimp production, yield, the first place of effectiveness. In 1993, coastal red tides brought drowsiness to shrimp in the county. How to find shrimp culture varieties adapted to the local sea conditions has become an urgent issue for the development of aquaculture in this county. Through the investigation of domestic and foreign markets, they think that P. monodon adapts to the local sea conditions. After many contacts, at the beginning of last year, the county and Taiwan Co., Ltd. jointly invested more than 5 million yuan to develop 80 hectares of shrimp ponds as a test ground for trial cultivation 10 million Penaeus monodon shrimp, success in one fell swoop. This year in order to expand the test area, Taiwan businessmen and the county once again cooperation, jointly invest 350,000 US dollars to build a spotted shrimp hatchery, on May 1 from Indonesia to buy 100 species of Penaeus monodon