Control Logic/Control Inverter逆向控制 逆向控制在一些稍大的MWare设计中有很重要的应用,例如当话筒的电平逐渐推起时,要求背景音乐信号电平同步衰减,这个同步的逆过程就可以使用Control Inverter来完成。 1.部件解释说明 (1)Input 是输入控制旋钮,将主动变化的推杆或旋钮(例如话筒电平推杆),
Control Logic / Control Inverter Reverse control Reverse control has some important applications in some larger MWare designs. For example, when the microphone level gradually rises, the level of the background music signal is required to be attenuated synchronously. The inverse of the synchronization can be Use Control Inverter to complete. 1. Parts Explanations (1) Input is the input control knob, will take the initiative to change the fader or knob (such as the microphone level fader),