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在氧气底吹转炉中,氧气进入熔池后所引起的气体和液体的流动状态,对整个吹炼过程有着极为密切的关系。例如,吹炼过程中可能出现的喷溅,炉衬的被侵蚀,元素氧化程度等,都是与上述流动状态有关的。氧气带着一定的能量经过喷嘴进入熔池,而后很快膨胀,将其能量尽可能地转成动能,并逐渐将此动能的一部分传递给熔 In the oxygen bottom blowing converter, the flow of gas and liquid caused by the oxygen entering the molten pool has a very close relationship with the entire blowing process. For example, the blowing process may occur in the splash, erosion of the lining, the degree of elemental oxidation, etc., are related to the above flow state. Oxygen with a certain amount of energy through the nozzle into the pool, and then quickly expanded, as much energy as possible into kinetic energy, and gradually transfer part of this kinetic energy to melt