
来源 :小型微型计算机系统 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyingadvance
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提出一种动态环境下基于预测机制的多种群进化算法,将预测机制引入到动态进化算法的研究中,对算法所得的某些信息进行记忆,根据记忆序列构建预测模型,当环境发生变化时能够通过预测模型对动态环境进行预先判断.算法采用自组织侦查的多种群策略,多个子种群对搜索子空间进行局部搜索,主种群用于确定新的搜索子空间.在子种群的自适应调整、子种群间的拥挤操作等方面进行了改进,根据子种群所跟踪的最优解位置信息构建预测模型,当环境发生变化时通过预测及子种群的进化实现对动态环境的自适应跟踪.以移动峰问题为测试对象,实验结果表明新算法具有良好的处理动态问题的能力. A multi-population evolutionary algorithm based on prediction mechanism in dynamic environment is proposed. The prediction mechanism is introduced into the research of dynamic evolutionary algorithm. Some information obtained by the algorithm is memorized. The prediction model is constructed according to the memory sequence. When the environment changes, The predictive model is used to predict the dynamic environment, the algorithm adopts the multi-population strategy of self-organizing detection, the multiple sub-populations search the search subspace locally, and the main population is used to determine the new search subspace.In the adaptive adjustment of sub-population, The crowding operation among subpopulations and so on is improved, the prediction model is constructed based on the information of the optimal solution locations tracked by the sub-population, and when the environment changes, adaptive tracking of the dynamic environment is realized through the prediction and the evolution of the sub-population. The peak problem is the test object, the experimental results show that the new algorithm has a good ability to deal with dynamic problems.
本文的主要目的是确立相似关系的准确数学概念. 首先本文将等价关系合理推广为弱等价关系,其次为解决描述部分与整体的共同属性问题,本文引入了向下相容性概念,并证明了向下
We introduce the polarized valon distributions to describe the spin dependence of parton distributions.The polarized valon distributions in the proton and polar
本文提出一种基于K叉树的优先队列的算法,通过建立K叉树堆的数据结构,从n个元素中得到m个元素的优先队列,其算法的最坏时间复杂度为O(2mlog2n+2n). 本算法是基于二叉树堆的优