甲状腺腺瘤是最常见的甲状腺良性肿瘤,甲状腺组织偶有异位、但发生在右侧颌下区异位甲状腺腺瘤十分罕见。现将我科收治一例报道如下。 患者,女性,71岁。右侧颌下区肿块渐增大2年余,无疼痛,与体位改变和进食无关。查体及各项辅助检验。专科检查:右侧颌下三角处明显隆起,局部可能是3cm×3cm肿块,界线清楚,活动度尚可,质地柔软,无压痛及波动感,皮温不高双会诊检查阳性,口内颌下腺导管口无红肿及异样分泌物。B超示“右侧颌下实质性肿块”。拟诊:右
Thyroid adenomas are the most common thyroid benign tumors. Occasionally, thyroid tissue is ectopic, but ectopic thyroid adenomas in the right and submandibular area are rare. The following is a case report of our department. Patient, female, 71 years old. The mass in the right submandibular area gradually increased for more than two years without pain, which was not associated with postural changes and eating. Physical examination and various auxiliary tests. Specialist examination: Obvious uplift in the right submandibular triangle, local may be 3cm × 3cm mass, clear boundary, activity is acceptable, soft texture, no tenderness and volatility, skin temperature is not high double consultation positive, mouth submandibular gland duct mouth No redness and abnormal secretions. B ultrasound shows “right submandibular mass”. Diagnosis: Right