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本文系统分析了JJF1070-2005《定量包装商品净含量计量检验规则》中定量包装商品净含量的计量检验规则,针对检验批实际平均含量的检验规则和单件定量包装商品净含量检验规则给出了两类检验规则的发生概率公式,并在此基础上对检验规则进行了详细的分析,指出了检验批实际平均含量的检验规则存在的问题,并结合实例分析了单件定量包装商品净含量检验规则所存在的不足及其可能的原因。最后,针对上述问题给出了改进建议。 This article systematically analyzes the rules of JQF1070-2005 “Quantitative test of net content of packaged goods,” the quantitative inspection of net content of packaged goods inspection rules for the inspection of the actual average content of the inspection rules and the net weight of a single quantitative inspection of packaging rules given Based on the above analysis, the rules of inspection are analyzed in detail, and the problems existing in the inspection rules of the actual average content of inspection lots are pointed out. Based on the examples, the paper analyzes the net content of single-component quantitative packaging products The shortcomings of the rules and their possible causes. Finally, some suggestions for improvement are given.