肉食性瓢虫多以蚧、蚜虫、粉虱为食,是一类重要的捕食性天敌,在帮助人们消灭农作物和果树、林木害虫,提高作物和果品产量上,具有很大的经济意义.但在白蜡虫养殖业中,盔唇瓢虫属Chllocorus中的两种肉食性瓢虫,则起着有害作用.其中,红点唇瓢虫C.kuwanae Silv.食害白蜡虫雌虫,在乐山地区发生数量较少,为害尚不显著.而黑缘红瓢虫C.rubidus Hope的成虫和幼虫均以白蜡虫雄幼虫为食,是白蜡虫的严重害虫之一.其生活史、习性和防治方法过去未见报导,1974——1976 年在峨眉县参加白蜡虫科研的同时,对该虫进行了研究,现将结果整理如下:
Carnivorous ladybugs, which feed on scale, aphids and whitefly, are important predatory natural enemies and have great economic significance to help people eliminate crops and fruit trees, forest pests and increase the yield of crops and fruits. In the waxy breeding industry, the two kinds of carnivorous ladybugs in the genus Chllocorus have a harmful effect, among which C.kuwanae Silv. The number is less, the damage is not significant.And C.rubidus Hope adult and larvae C. rubidus larvae feeding on white male worm, is a serious pest of white wax insect one of its life history, habits and control methods in the past It has not been reported that while participating in the research of white wax insect in Emei County from 1974 to 1976, we studied the insect and now the results are as follows: