
来源 :中国民族博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kdkd03
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城市景观设计主要包括道路、公园、广场、建筑、小区等几个方面,传统设计模式遇到瓶颈期,开始出现大面积模仿现象,以至于城市景观缺乏特色,设计水平偏低,不利于城市文化程度的提升。因此必须创新设计理念,引进新的设计模式和方法。陶瓷艺术文化历史悠久,材质坚固,质量环保,且符合现代人的审美观,比其他方法设计艺术更占优势。本文以现代城市景观设计为中心,针对陶瓷艺术在广场、公园等五方面的具体应用进行了分析。 Urban landscape design mainly includes several aspects such as roads, parks, squares, buildings and residential areas. The traditional design pattern encounters a bottleneck and a large area of ​​imitation begins to appear, so that the urban landscape is characterized by a lack of features and a low design level, which is unfavorable to the urban culture The degree of improvement. Therefore, we must innovate the design concept and introduce new design patterns and methods. Ceramic art culture has a long history, solid material, environmental quality, and in line with modern aesthetic, more than any other method of art design more dominant. In this paper, the modern city landscape design as the center, for the ceramic art in the square, park and other aspects of the specific application were analyzed.