Neptunus is a hi-tech listed company in bio-pharmaceutical field in China. In 2001, Neptunus golden bottle is a health food based on marine oysters and has the function of sober-up and liver-protecting. Before 2001, Neptune Jinzun was mainly sold in Shenzhen. Although it possessed a certain market share and popularity, the market potential was still not tapped enough. Neptunus’s decision makers hope to promote them to the national market in 2001. At that time, the market of Hugan hangover supplies was still in its enlightenment stage, and there was no national leading brand yet. The main competitive products include Sambo, Awakening, Soda, wine and spirits, etc. These kinds of products are not in the strict sense Brand name, more like a product category name, there are a number of companies producing the same name of the product. Therefore, the golden road to take the brand of brand, is a rare opportunity.