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我国读者大都熟悉奥斯特洛夫斯基的一段名言:“人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命属于我们只有一次。人的一生应当这样来度过:当他回首往事时不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞耻。这样,在临死的时候他就能够说:‘我已经把自己的整个生命和全部精力都献给了世界上最壮丽的事业——为人类的解放而进行的斗争。’”奥斯特洛夫斯基的一生正是这样度过的。罗曼·罗兰曾经说过,这位作家的一生,成了“最罕见最纯洁的精神勇敢的同义语”,成了“对火热而英勇的生命的一曲颂歌”。尼古拉·奥斯特洛夫斯基(1904—1936)出身于工人家庭,少年时烧过锅炉,以后当过红军骑兵,负伤复员后搞经济恢复工作,做过共青团干部。奥斯特洛夫斯基1924年加入共产党,1927年健康恶化,卧床不起,1928年双目失明,但并未丧失生活的勇气,而是顽强地学习和写作,终于在1932年写成长篇小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》第一部,1934年写成第二部,1934年6月成为作协会员,1935年10月被授予列宁勋章,1936年写成长篇小说《暴风雨的儿女》。著名演说有《生活万岁!》、《我的一天》等。奥斯特洛夫斯基是一位伟大的国际主义战士。1927年,正当中国革命处于紧急关头,他始终注视着中国人民的解放斗争。他床边的墙上挂着一幅中国地图,用小红旗和小黑旗标明战况。他甚至幻想骑马飞奔“到自己兄弟那里去”,援助中国人民。长篇小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》早在1942年由梅益同志翻译,上海知新书店出版。全国解放以后经过校订,先后印了十几版,约二百万册。这是一本中国人民,特别是中国青年喜爱的书。它鼓舞他们在革命和建设中去建立功勋。今年12月22日是尼·奥斯特洛夫斯基逝世五十周年忌辰。我们特发表法捷耶夫的一篇纪念短文和给奥斯特洛夫斯基的一封书信,以志纪念。 Most of our readers are familiar with Osterlovsky’s famous quote: “The most precious thing is life, and life belongs to us only once. The life of man should be spent in this way: when he looks back, he will not regret Nor shame on the basis of mediocrity, so that on dying he can say: ’I have devoted my whole life and all my energy to the most magnificent cause in the world - for the liberation of mankind The struggle. ”“ Ostrovski’s life is like this spent. Roman Roland once said that this writer’s life became ”the rarest and most pure synonym of spiritual courage“ and became ”an ode to a fiery and valiant life.“ Nikolai Ostrovsky (1904-1936) was born in a worker’s family, burned a boiler in his youth, later served as a Red Army cavalry soldier, recovered after being wounded and reinstated, and worked as a cadre of the Communist Youth League. Ostrovsky joined the Communist Party in 1924, deteriorating health in 1927, bedridden, blind in 1928, but did not lose his courage in life, but tenaciously studying and writing, and finally wrote a novel in 1932 The first part, ”How Iron and Steel Are Made,“ was written in the second in 1934, became a member of the Association in June 1934, was awarded the Lenin Order in October 1935, and was published in 1936 as a novel ”Stormy Children.“ Famous speeches are ”Long Live Life!“, ”My One Day“ and so on. Ostrovsky is a great internationalist fighter. In 1927, just as the Chinese revolution was at an emergency, he always watched the liberation struggle of the Chinese people. A map of China hung on the wall beside his bed, indicating the situation with a small red flag and a small black flag. He even imagined riding a horse and flew ”to his own brother,“ aiding the Chinese people. The novel ”How Steel is Made" was first translated by Comrade Mei Yi in 1942 and published by Shanghai Zhixin Bookstore. After the national liberation after school, has printed a dozen editions, about two million copies. This is a book that Chinese people, especially Chinese youth, love. It inspired them to establish their merits in the revolution and in their construction. December 22 this year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Neos Ostrowski. We specially published a commemorative essay from Fadjev and a letter to Ostrovsky to commemorate it.
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