中国机械工程学会锻压学会于1987年6月15~19日在上海仙霞宾馆召开了第四次锻压学术年会,会议代表共320人,除台湾省、西藏自治区外,各省市均有代表参加会议。上海市还增派了50名代表出席开幕式和大会报告。这次年会还邀请了10位外国教授、学者、专家参加,他们是日本的工藤英明、村川正夫、中村和彦、川井谦一、三原豊;英国的Janozolens、John Nobles;美国的N·Turner和Paul Lebif;西德的Hantmut Schrader·开幕式由锻压学会付理事长兼秘书长海锦涛主持,理事长闵学熊致开幕词、中国机械工程学会秘书长程
The Forging Society of China Society of Mechanical Engineers held the fourth forging academic annual meeting at Shanghai Xianxia Hotel from June 15th to 19th, 1987. The conference represented 320 people. Apart from Taiwan Province and Tibet Autonomous Region, representatives from all provinces and cities participated. meeting. Shanghai has also sent 50 more delegates to attend the opening ceremony and conference report. At this annual meeting, 10 foreign professors, scholars and experts were invited to attend the conference. They are Japan’s Hideaki Kudo, Masabu Murata, Kazuhiko Nakamura, Kawai Kenichi, Mihara-shi; Janozolens and John Nobles in the United Kingdom; N. Turner and U.S. Paul Lebif; West Germany’s Hantmut Schrader Opening Ceremony hosted by Forging Society President and Secretary-General Hai Jintao, Chairman of the Board Yan Xuexiong, opening address, Secretary-General of China Mechanical Engineering Society