我们观测大自然动力学的能力最终受制于我们所用仪器的时间分辨率。机械快门可达到毫秒量级分辨率 ,通过频闪观测仪可以探测微秒量级 ,新式电子取样示波镜带领我们最终进入皮秒领域。超快激光将时间探测分辨率推进 3个数量级 ,小于 1 0 fs范围 ,可用来直接观测分子振动动力学的
Our ability to observe the dynamics of nature is ultimately governed by the time resolution of the instruments we use. The mechanical shutter achieves resolutions of milliseconds, the microseconds magnitude can be detected by stroboscopes, and the new electronic sampling oscilloscopes lead us to the final picosecond field. The ultra-fast laser advances the time-of-flight resolution by 3 orders of magnitude, less than 10 fs, and can be used to directly visualize molecular vibration dynamics