湖北贝母(Fritillaria hupehensis Hsiaoet K.C.Hsia)主产鄂西自治州,其中尤以宣恩、鹤峰、建始三县最多。经济价值高,药农种一亩可收入3000—5000元。但近年来,贝母烂种问题非常严重,一般损种20—50%,严重时可绝产失收,已成为影响鄂西自治州贝母高产稳产和进一步发展的主要障碍。为此,我们于1984年秋和1985夏季在主产地就烂种问题作了历时3个多月的调查,现将情况初步整理如
Hubei Fritillaria hupehensis Hsiaoet K.C.Hsia mainly produces western Hubei Autonomous Prefecture, of which the most is Xuan’en, Hefeng and Jianshi. High economic value, medicine and agricultural acreage income 3000-5000 yuan. However, in recent years, the problem of rotting mother-of-pearl is very serious, with the loss of 20-50%. In serious cases, it can be absolutely lost. It has become a major obstacle to the high-yield, stable yield and further development of Fritillaria in Western Autonomous Region. To this end, we conducted a survey of more than three months in the main producing areas on the rotten seasons in the autumn of 1984 and the summer of 1985. We have now sorted out the situation as