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1994年,镇江、九江两市被国务院确定为全国职工医疗保障制度改革(以下简称医改)试点城市,为中国医疗保障制度改革揭开新的一页.改革现行职工公费和劳保医疗制度,是为了更好地保障广大职工的基本医疗需求,建立由用人单位和职工共同缴纳医疗保险费用、社会统筹医疗基金与职工个人医疗账户相结合的医疗保障制度.基金由两块组成:改革起步时,单位缴费暂按职工年工资总额1O%提取,职工个人缴费暂按本人年工资总额的1%;单位缴纳基金的部分和职工自己缴纳的基金记入个人医疗帐户.个人医疗帐户的本金和利息为职工个人所有,可以结转使用和继承.参保职工看病费用首先由个人医疗帐户支付,超过本人年工资收人的5%以上部分,由社会统筹医疗基金中支付,但个人仍要负担一定比例.改革后,实行社会统筹互济,无病的参保防患于未然,有病的参保得到及时治疗.据医改评估调查,1996年镇江市职工两周患病就诊率比医改前上升门.13.85%,而需住院未住院率下降45.29%.同时,医改也遏制了医疗费用过快增长的势头,全市总的药品消耗量下降,其中常规药品用量上升,高档贵重药品和进口药品用量下降. In 1994, the two cities of Zhenjiang and Jiujiang were designated by the State Council as pilot cities for the reform of the national employee medical security system (hereinafter referred to as medical reform), opening a new page for the reform of the medical security system in China. The reform of the existing staff and workers’ To better protect the basic medical needs of workers and staff members and to set up a medical insurance system that is jointly funded by employers and employees and paid by the medical social pooling fund and individual medical accounts of employees.The fund consists of two components: Paid temporarily according to the total annual wage of workers 1O% extraction, the individual payment of workers temporarily according to the total annual salary of 1%; part of the unit to pay the fund and employees to pay their own personal funds into the medical account.Personal medical account principal and interest for Employee’s personal belongings can be carried forward and inherited.The insured employee’s medical expenses are paid by the individual medical account first, which is more than 5% of the annual salary income of the employee, and is paid by the social pooling medical fund, but the individual still has to bear a certain proportion After the reform, social protection, mutual assistance and disease prevention are taken as a precautionary measure, and sick patients are treated promptly. According to the medical assessment assessment survey, in 1996, the prevalence rate of medical staff in two weeks in Zhenjiang was 13.85% higher than that before the medical reform, and the hospitalization rate needed to be hospitalized decreased by 45.29% .Meanwhile, the medical reform also curbed the trend of excessive medical expenses growth. The total consumption of medicines decreased, among which the amount of regular medicines rose, the amount of expensive medicines and imported medicines dropped.
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1997年12月1 日至12日,应日本企业史料协议会的邀请,我有幸参加中国档案学会代表团赴日出席中日第五次企业档案学术交流会议,并在东京、大阪等地参观访问.访日期间,我们受到