
来源 :中国寄生虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LOVEmayicomein
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随着边境政策的不断开放,边民出境留宿者不断增多,出境留宿回归后的疟疾发病数逐年增加。为探讨保护边民健康、减少疟疾传染源输入的方法,我们于1987年6~11月在出境留宿边民较多的中缅边境打洛镇进行了观察。一、材料和方法 (一)药物复方乙胺嘧啶片系上海十一制药厂产品,每片含周效磺胺250mg,乙胺嘧啶17.5mg,批号为731103。 (二)观察区、对象和方法观察区:选择打洛镇附近6个村在观察前对所有居民用复方磷酸喹哌加磷酸伯氨喹啉8日疗法根治一次,以清除当地原有的残存传染源。对象:凡6~11月出境留宿的边民均为观察对象。方法:以自然村为单位,按出境留宿的先后顺序编号,给单号者服复方乙胺嘧啶2片、双号者服安慰剂(维生素C)2片,半月内出境留宿两次以上者不再投 With the continuous opening up of border policies, the number of outbound and homebound travelers has been increasing, and the incidence of malaria after leaving and leaving home has been increasing year by year. In order to explore ways to protect the health of border people and reduce the input of malaria sources, we conducted a survey in Daluo, a border between China and Burma, with more border-crossing residents from June to November 1987. First, the material and methods (A) drug compound pyrimethamine tablets Shanghai Pharmaceutical Factory products, each containing sulfasalazine 250mg, pyrimethamine 17.5mg, batch number 731103. (B) of the observation area, object and method Observation area: Select 6 villages near Daluo before the observation of all residents with compound quinopaline plus primaquine phosphate treatment on the 8th once to clear the original remnants Source of infection. Subjects: All the border residents staying abroad from June to November were observed. Methods: Taking natural villages as the unit, according to the sequence number of staying in and out of the country, the tablets were served with 2 tablets of pyrimethamine tablets and 2 tablets of placebo (vitamin C) cast
<正> 吉林省东辽县北方种植研究所培育的超丰,是北方大豆中产量极为突出的一个亚有限结荚习性新品种。产量之高实属罕见,连续3年种子供不应求,被誉为“北方第一
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目的 研究白藜芦醇(resveratrol, Res)对脑缺血/再灌注(ischemia/reperfusion, I/R)损伤的保护作用及其可能作用机制。方法 采用线栓法建立小鼠右侧大脑中动脉栓塞(middle ce