一、必须充分认识哲学社会科学在社会主义两个文明建设中的特殊重要的地位 哲学,是关于世界观的学说。社会科学,是指以社会为研究对象的科学。哲学和社会科学,都属于意识形态和上层建筑范畴,在阶级社会里都有阶级性,都为一定的阶级服务。只是到了马克思主义产生以后,它们才真正变成了科学。 社会主义建设是一项全新的伟大事业,需要有正确理论指导,在不断开拓和探索中前进,弄得不好还会出现反复或倒退,这在国际共产主义运动中已有先例,教训是极为深刻的。我们党在领导中国社会主义事业的伟大进程中,较早地注意到了这个问题,1960年毛泽东同志在《十年总结》一文中就指出:“我们对于社会主义时期的革命和建设,还有一个很大的盲目性,还有一个很大的未被认识的必然王国。
First, we must fully understand the special and important status philosophy of philosophy and social science in the construction of the two civilizations of socialism and the theory of world outlook. Social science refers to the science of social research. Philosophy and social sciences belong to the category of ideology and superstructure. They all have class in class society and are all class services. Only after the birth of Marxism did they really become science. The socialist construction is a brand new and great undertaking. It needs to have the correct theoretical guidance. It must be repeated or retrogressed if it is not made properly. This is a precedent in the international communist movement, and the lesson is extremely Profound. This problem was noticed earlier by our party in the great course of leading the cause of socialism in China. Comrade Mao Zedong in his “Ten-Year Summary” article in 1960 pointed out: "We have one more for the revolution and construction in the socialist period A lot of blindness, there is a big unknowable inevitable kingdom.