Female patient, 24 years old, farmer. There is no obvious incentive to face and lower extremity edema, oliguria, after work palpitations. Numb limb pain, acromegaly obvious. Body size joint pain. Course duration of about 2 months, serving herbs invalid, the condition increased day by day, there cough, fever, asthma, hair loss, systemic skin itching with erythema and blisters admitted. Physical examination: Acute serious illness, God clear, mild cyanosis lips, face flushing edema. Body temperature 38.5 ℃, pulse 110 beats / min, breathing 26 beats / min, blood pressure 100 / 70mmHg, pharyngeal congestion, tongue smooth red purple with oral buccal mucosa see the erosion of the surface of different sizes and ulcers. Heart rate 110 beats / min, law Qi, weak heart sound, no noise. Lower right lung breath sounds significantly weakened. Right hepatic ribs 2.5cm, tender tenderness, spleen left ribs 2cm. Lower limbs below the knee obvious swelling edema, knees and ankle joints slightly inflamed, tactile,