您也许认为安装扩展卡是一件非常容易的事,特别是当您听到关于Windows95即插即用的种种传闻。然而,实际情况并非如此——这主要是因为真正实现即插即用需要系统与外设都满足要求,但是目前兼容即插即用的系统与外设仍然很少。 当您安装扩展卡的时候,最常碰到的问题是硬件中断冲突。PC有16根中断线或中断号,它们是系统中各种设备用来获得中央处理器处理服务的特殊通道。一般而言,当两个外设试图使用同一个中断号时,计算机将无祛启动或者设备无法正常工作。
You might think installing an expansion card is a very easy task, especially if you hear all the rumors about plug-and-play Windows95. However, this is not the case - mainly because of the need for systems and peripherals to really be plug-and-play, but there is still a paucity of systems and peripherals that are currently plug-and-play compatible. The most commonly encountered issue when installing an expansion card is a hardware interrupt violation. The PC has 16 interrupt lines or interrupts, which are special channels used by various devices in the system to obtain CPU processing services. In general, when two peripherals try to use the same interrupt number, the computer will either start or the device does not work.