
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flybear
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红蜘蛛多发生在光线强、干燥和温度高的地方。繁殖快,每年可繁殖14-18代,为害严重,被害株叶片枯黄或产生坏死斑块,完全失去观赏价值,有的甚至全株死亡。防治对策:注意通风和喷水增加湿度;如数量较少可用人工刷洗;数量多可用40%三氯杀螨醇,80%敌敌畏或40%氧化乐果1000倍液喷洒、防效良好。潜叶蝇双翅目。瓢带兜兰和带叶兜兰受害最重。幼虫在叶片表皮下潜食叶肉,破坏叶片组织,影响观赏,而且被破坏的部位容易产生黑腐病,招致整个叶片及植株的腐烂。防治对策:在幼虫危害初期,用40%氧化乐果,80%敌敌畏或25%亚胺硫磷1000倍液喷洒,每隔7天左右喷1次,连喷2-3次,防效颇好。 Spider mites occur in the light of strong, dry and high temperatures. Breeding fast, 14-18 generations of reproductive annual, serious damage, the victim leaves brown or necrotic plaques, completely lost the ornamental value, and some even whole plant died. Prevention and control measures: pay attention to ventilation and water spray to increase the humidity; such as the number of available artificial brushing; the number available 40% dicofol, 80% dichlorvos or 40% omethoate 1000 times spraying, good control effect. Leaf miner Diptera. Calabash with paphiopedilum and leaf paphiopedilos most affected. The larvae in the leaf epidermis eat the food leaves, destruction of leaf tissue, affecting ornamental, and the damaged parts prone to black rot, leading to the decay of the entire leaves and plants. Prevention and control measures: In the early stages of larval damage, with 40% omethoate, 80% dichlorvos or 25% of the 1000 times spraying imipenem, spray every 7 days or so, spray 2-3 times, the control effect is quite good .
【摘 要】陶艺作为中国文化的重要组成部分,在我国当代素质教育中具有举足轻重的地位。通过设立中小学生陶艺素质教育中心,充分发挥中心的教学条件和当地的协会力量、陶瓷产区资源,将能全面提升陶艺素质教育质量,让陶艺真正回到中小学的课堂,达到陶艺、陶情、陶育的目的。  【关键词】中小学生;陶艺;素质教育  陶艺素质教育是培养学生兴趣,提高学生的综合素质,积极实施“体艺2+1项目”的重要内容,是进行青少年素质