Spider mites occur in the light of strong, dry and high temperatures. Breeding fast, 14-18 generations of reproductive annual, serious damage, the victim leaves brown or necrotic plaques, completely lost the ornamental value, and some even whole plant died. Prevention and control measures: pay attention to ventilation and water spray to increase the humidity; such as the number of available artificial brushing; the number available 40% dicofol, 80% dichlorvos or 40% omethoate 1000 times spraying, good control effect. Leaf miner Diptera. Calabash with paphiopedilum and leaf paphiopedilos most affected. The larvae in the leaf epidermis eat the food leaves, destruction of leaf tissue, affecting ornamental, and the damaged parts prone to black rot, leading to the decay of the entire leaves and plants. Prevention and control measures: In the early stages of larval damage, with 40% omethoate, 80% dichlorvos or 25% of the 1000 times spraying imipenem, spray every 7 days or so, spray 2-3 times, the control effect is quite good .