日本厚生省为了弄清食品添加剂BHA、BHT、溴酸钾的毒性,对其毒性研究给予财政上的资助。现把该项研究结果归纳如下。一、丁基羟基茴香醚(BHA) 1.筛选试验 (1)Ame′s试验:四个单位参加,结果均为阴性。 (2)染色体畸变试验:三个单位参加,均为阴性。 (3)重组试验:两个单位参加,一为阳性,一为阴性。 2.慢性毒性试验 (1)B6C3F1种小鼠,于饲料中加入0%、0.5%、1.0%的BHA,饲养两年,未见典型肿瘤。
In order to understand the toxicity of food additives BHA, BHT and potassium bromate, Japan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare provided financial support for its toxicity study. Now the research results are summarized as follows. A, butyl hydroxy anisole (BHA) 1. Screening Test (1) Ame’s test: four units to participate, the results were negative. (2) Chromosome aberration test: three units to participate, are negative. (3) recombinant test: two units to participate, one positive, one negative. 2. Chronic toxicity test (1) B6C3F1 mice were fed 0%, 0.5% and 1.0% BHA for two years and no typical tumor was found.